January 2022 Newsletter

Robert Campbell
I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy New Year. As we begin 2022 we will still strive to do whatever we can to ensure that we are the most respected professionals in your community. With that in mind we are working to ensure that our profession maintains the dignity, integrity, and respect that it deserves. Our AMTA-IA Board is diligent about getting as much information and knowledge out to our members , the community, and legislators as we can about any topics that may arise about the massage therapy industry. At this point, we will continue to make the best-informed decision that we can, once again keeping our AMTA licensed massage therapists at the forefront of the decision.
Once again, vaccinations are at the forefront of topics being discussed. As an organization, the AMTA, can not say whether you as an individual should or should not get the shot or not. This decision can only be made by you. If you are interested in where to go to receive the vaccination, go to the IDPH (Iowa Department of Public Health) website to find out where to go in your area.
This year there will be four elected positions available to run for. If you are interested, please get a hold of Hannah Buffington ( socialmediachair.amtaiowa@gmail.com ) she is our EOC (Elections Online Coordinator). All elections will be on-line this year, prior to our convention. The deadline is March 1st, 2022.
The other topic prior to convention will be the vote on our standing rules. National AMTA will be sending out a constant contact to vote on the standing rules to get them in accordance with our national chapters by-laws. This also will be done on-line prior to convention.
Finally for some good news. We WILL be having a spring convention this year. It has been way too long since we have been able to get together to communicate, learn, and just socialize. I cannot wait to see your smiling faces at convention this year.
Lastly, I would like to say what an honor it has been for me to be the president of this amazing Iowa Chapter for the last 4 years. Granted they have been a crazy 4 years (esp. The last two) but thankfully our board is amazing and strong. I could not have gotten through this without everyone on this board.
God Bles you all.
Robert “Bob” Campbell
AMTA-IA Chapter President

Alexander L. Collins
Just a note: Spring Convention is coming March 26-27th, 2022!
March 1st, 2022 the price will increase, register today and get the best possible price.
Where: Holiday Inn & Suites Cedar Falls-Waterloo Event Center
7400 Hudson Rd, Cedar Falls, IA 50613
Who: James Waslaski
What: Nerve compression patterns of the upper & lower body
CEU’s: 12
When: March 26-27, 2022
Online Registration NOW OPEN ( https://cvent.me/dKNego )