September 8, 2018 – September 9, 2018 all-day
Grand River Center
500 Bell St
Dubuque, IA 52001
Holly Rasmusson


We have amazing presenter for the fall 2018 AMTA-IA chapter convention is Lee Stang. The fall convention will be at the Grand Harbor Resort and Waterpark on Sept 8th and 9th 2018.

Lee Stang, owner of Bridges To Health Seminars has been teaching massage since 1996. She taught in the massage school environment for 17 years at the CT Center for Massage Therapy specializing in anatomy and physiology, orthopedic and sports massage. She is certified in orthopedic massage and teaches within the OMERI program. As well she has been bringing her Bridges To Health Seminars to a national audience since 2006, most recently the AMTA National Convention in Pasadena.

Lee currently travels with the Women’s Tennis Association bringing massage to elite professional tennis players throughout the world as a member of the Sports Science and Medicine Team. She has been on the numerous Sports Massage Teams at the Olympics and Paralymics and traveled with the US National Powerlifting Team.

A NCBTMB approved provider Lee’s focus is to provide theory and techniques that can be immediately incorporated into ones practice. Orthopedic massage and movement technique, passive and active, are the foundation of all Bridges To Health Seminars. Feedback from seminar goers is that these seminars are informative, dynamic and provide tools today that can be used tomorrow to make a massage practice more dynamic.

Rotational forces: their impact, our treatments

Twisting, turning, and reaching. Walking running, lifting: moving through life. What do these have in common? Among other things they involve a great deal of rotational movements. Much of what we do involves the action of rotation: rotation through the hip and pelvis and throughout the spine. Rotational forces will often dictate how much we can move through life with minimal pain and dysfunction.

Limitations in rotation can not only affect the general ability to work or play effectively but create compensatory motions that lead to pain, dysfunctional technique and eventually injury. For example if an individual is unable to rotate effectively through the thoracic spine compensatory movements through the hip and pelvis may lead to low back and pelvic injury and dysfunction.

This seminar will look at the play of rotational forces through the spine, pelvis and hips on the individual. We will explore the following areas in some detail:

• The anatomy of rotation from the pelvis through the thoracic spine;

• Issues that might inhibit rotation.

• The assessment of rotation in the body and the communication of this information to our clients;
The effects on the boney structures, including the vertebral facets and ribs that must move freely for effective rotation and optimal performance;

The role of abdominal muscles including iliopsoas as they relate to rotation, back and pelvic issues

Techniques that can be immediately applied in your practice to help unlock this pivotal area of the body including active and passive movement, range of motion, manual resistance, myofascial release and more;

• Some movements that can aid clients in maintaining freedom of rotation

For more inforamtion go to the new website at:

Welcome to the AMTA Iowa Chapter

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