Elections are going be held: March 21, 2020 

Double Tree by Hilton
350 1st Ave NE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52401

Voting happens during Spring Convention at Business Meeting Luncheon 12:30pm – 2:00pm.

To cast a vote you must be present.

Hello Fellow AMTA-IA Members:
This post is to let our members know that this March at our annual meeting, we will be having our general elections for President, Board Member 2, Secretary, and one of our Delegate positions. The board and myself would like to encourage each of you to attend our spring convention and take the opportunity to vote for the elected positions. If you are interested in running for a board member position simply email Soraya Wagner at and she will be more than happy to get you an application. Soraya is our chair for the commission on candidacy along with Alexander Collins & Robin Markus. The three are in charge of holding the elections and counting the votes. If you are interested in running for an elected position the guidelines are as follows:

Position Title: Chapter President
The Chapter President sets the direction and pace of the Chapter’s activities based on the vision that has been determined by the Chapter membership, Chapter Board, and other Chapter Officers. The Chapter President serves as a leader, planner, mentor, mediator, and facilitator.
In addition to being a Professional member in good standing and signing the Chapter Volunteer Code of Conduct, she/he must meet one or more of the following requirements: • Completed one term year as a Chapter Board member within the last three years. • Completed one term year as a Chapter committee chair or member within the last two years. • Completed one term year as a National Board member, National Standing Committee Chair, or National Standing Committee member within the last two years.
The authority of the Chapter President is conferred by the Chapter membership through election and as specified in National AMTA Bylaws and Policy.
The Chapter President is accountable to the Chapter Board, Chapter members and AMTA National Board of Directors by virtue of election. The Chapter President agrees to uphold and abide by the Chapter Volunteer Code of Conduct. Term of Office The Chapter President shall be elected every even year for a term of two (2) years, not to exceed two (2) consecutive elective terms. In the event that no eligible candidate steps forward to run for the office of Chapter President, the current Chapter President remains in office until a successor is elected. Relationship The Chapter President works most closely with Chapter Board members and appointees, and National AMTA staff. The Chapter President also communicates with Chapter members, other Chapter Presidents, the Chapter Relations Committee, and/or other National volunteers, as appropriate. Responsibilities 1. Is a voting member of the Chapter Board and is familiar with Robert’s Rules of Order. 2. Prepares the agenda for Chapter membership and Board meetings, and provides the agenda and all supporting documentation to Board members and appropriate appointees at least one week prior to the Board meeting. 3. Attends and presides over, or delegates authority, maintains order, and expediently conducts business at all Chapter meetings and Board meetings. 4. Delegates authority to any Chapter Board member when scheduled to be unavailable for more than one week. 5. Shall not be the Chair of any committee, sub-committee, special committee, or workgroup. 6. Serves as ex-officio (non-voting) member of all Chapter committees. 7. May temporarily assume/delegate the responsibilities of vacant volunteer positions while working with the Chapter Board, Chapter Relations Committee and National staff to fill the vacancy. Approved via motion #1006:81 2 Revised November 2006 Updated: Motion: #1016:44 8. Attends (or delegates attendance) national meetings of the Association, at the Chapter Board’s direction, as per policy, and/or as budgeted. 9. Identifies, recruits, cultivates, and mentors future Chapter leaders. 10. Appoints standing committee, subcommittee, special committee, and workgroup chairs (except the nominations committee), with the approval of the Chapter Board. 11. Approves appointments of committee members made by committee chairs. 12. Supervises the affairs of the Chapter. 13. Prepares and submits appropriate information for Chapter communications. 14. Reviews documents and records produced by the Chapter, including: a) Minutes from Chapter Board of Directors meetings. b) All contracts. c) Legislative activities. d) Financial Reports. e) Committee Reports. f) Newsletter or other communications such as e-mail announcements, social media, etc. 15. Oversees Chapter’s budgeting and financial activities. 16. Is available to receive direct feedback from members and answer their questions about actions of the Chapter Board. 17. Directs and refers members to volunteer and staff contacts as appropriate. 18. Reports to the membership at the Chapter meetings. 19. Ensures Chapter operations are consistent with the AMTA Strategic Plan. 20. Fulfills the fiduciary, due diligence, and other responsibilities of Chapter Board members as described in the Chapter Volunteer Code of Conduct. 21. Maintains orderly records of issues and actions taken during her/his term and supplies the incoming President with those records. 22. Facilitates the efficient, positive, and productive activities of the Chapter through consultation with other Chapter officers, National volunteers, and/or National staff. 23. Once a Chapter President has served two consecutive terms, in the event that no eligible candidate steps forward to run for the office of Chapter President, the current Chapter President remains in office until a successor is elected.

Position Title: Chapter Board Member
Chapter Board Member will assist the Chapter President in achieving Chapter goals and implementing decisions made by the Chapter Board.
In addition to being a Professional member in good standing and signing the Chapter Volunteer Code of Conduct, she/he must meet the following requirement:
• Completed one year of AMTA membership.
Responsibilities 1. Is a voting member of the Chapter Board and is familiar with Robert’s Rules of Order. 2. Accepts responsibilities for Chapter/Association assignments as delegated by the Chapter President. 3. May temporarily assume the responsibilities of vacant volunteer positions while working with the President, the Chapter Relations Committee and staff to fill the vacancy. 4. Shall not be the Chair of more than two (2) committees, sub-committees, special committees or workgroups. 5. Attends Chapter Board, Chapter membership, and any Chapter committee meetings for which the Chapter Board Member has responsibility. 6. Identifies, cultivates and recruits future Chapter leaders. 7. Makes recommendations to the Chapter President for committee appointments. 8. Directs and refers members to appropriate volunteer and staff contacts as applicable. 9. Is available to receive direct feedback from members for input to the Chapter Board, and to communicate appropriate information regarding actions of the Chapter Board. 10. Maintains communication with Chapter membership through regular reports, and reports at Chapter membership and Chapter Board meetings. Approved via National Board Motion #1206:94 2 Updated: Motion: #1016:44 11. Fulfills the fiduciary, due diligence, and other responsibilities of Chapter Board members as described in Chapter Volunteer Code of Conduct. 12. Maintains orderly records of activities and timelines relevant to her/his position during their term and supplies the incoming Chapter Board Member with those records to ensure a smooth transition.

Position Title: Chapter Secretary
The Chapter Secretary is the official keeper of the Chapter records and is responsible for recording, maintaining and updating Chapter records during her/his term of office. Eligibility In addition to being a Professional member in good standing and signing the Chapter Volunteer Code of Conduct, she/he must meet the following requirement: • Completed one year of AMTA membership.
Responsibilities 1. Is a voting member of the Chapter Board and is familiar with Robert’s Rules of Order. 2. Distributes announcements of Chapter Board meetings and Chapter membership meetings. 3. Attends Chapter Board and membership meetings and ensures that attendance, votes and the proceedings of the meetings are recorded, maintained and retained according to the National record retention guidelines. 4. Submits required reports and volunteer rosters to the National Office. 5. Distributes minutes of Chapter Board meetings to Board members. Provides access to minutes from Chapter meetings to the Chapter membership upon request. 6. Accepts responsibilities for Chapter/Association assignments as delegated by the Chapter President. 7. May temporarily assume the responsibilities of vacant volunteer positions while working with the President, the Chapter Relations Committee and staff to fill the vacancy. 8. Shall not be the Chair of more than two (2) committees, sub-committees, special committees or workgroups. 9. Identifies, cultivates and recruits future Chapter leaders. Approved via National Board Motion #1206:94 Revised March 2008 Updated: Motion: #1016:44 2 10. Makes recommendations to the President for committee appointments. 11. Directs and refers members to appropriate volunteer and National AMTA staff contacts as applicable. 12. Is available to receive direct feedback from members for input to the Chapter Board and to communicate appropriate information regarding actions of the Chapter Board. 13. Fulfills the fiduciary, due diligence and other responsibilities of Chapter Board members as described in the Chapter Volunteer Code of Conduct. 14. Maintains orderly records of activities and timelines relevant to her/his position during their term and supplies the incoming Secretary with those records to ensure a smooth transition.

Position Title: Delegate to the Assembly of Delegates (AOD)
While not an eligibility requirement, the Delegate position should not be considered as an “entry level” volunteer position. Applicants for the position of Delegate should be encouraged to consider the following questions when choosing to become a candidate for the position. 1. What is the context of health and wellness in my state? 2. What are the things that are impacting massage therapy in my state? (including but not limited to): a. Education requirements b. Regulation c. Continuing education d. Cultural issues e. Socio-economics f. Diversity g. Employment practices
 Must be a professional member in good standing for at least 1 year  Must be assigned to the Chapter they are elected to serve  Must have a basic understanding of technology (e.g. email, online discussion boards, mobile applications)  Must sign the AMTA Chapter Volunteer Code of Conduct and AOD Code of Conduct.  Shall not be an AMTA National Board member, National Standing Committee Chair, National Commission Chair, or the Moderator of the Assembly of Delegates.
1. Responds to applicable chapter communications on a regular and timely basis via phone, e-mail, or other appropriate means. 2. Provides written reports to the Chapter Board as requested. 3. Participates in discussions on the volunteer HUB as they pertain to AOD agenda items, discussion items and AOD duties. 4. Attends chapter meetings as requested by the Chapter Board to address agenda items pertaining to the work of the Delegates. 5. Maintains a working knowledge of materials provided for the AOD meeting. 6. Prepares and reviews all necessary materials prior to all AOD meetings. 7. Attends and participates in the AOD meeting at National Convention. 8. At least annually, Delegate reports the actions of the AOD to the Chapter membership. 9. Participates in the selection of the AMTA position statement ideas to be sent to the writing group per policy. 10. Provides input to the AOD think tank through the lens of the massage therapy profession in their specific state. Input may be provided at the annual AOD meeting and the Volunteer HUB during their term of service.

The Commission on Candidacy will be accepting application for these elected positions until

March 15th, 2020.

The will also be a house keeping vote on our standing rules for our chapter. This vote will be to make sure that the AMTA-Iowa Chapter is in accordance will the national by-laws.

I look forward to seeing as many of you that I can at our annual meeting on March 21st, 2020. in Cedar Rapids, Iowa at the Double Tree.

Thank you for taking the time. Robert Campbell

AMTA-IA Chapter President


Come out & Cast your Vote:


March 21, 2020 


Double Tree by Hilton
350 1st Ave NE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52401

What Time:

Voting happens during Spring Convention at Business Meeting Luncheon 12:30pm – 2:00pm.

Requirements to be AMTA member:  To cast a vote you must be present.